12月份 super kids

Hippo Class [Louis]

Lauren: Our Super Kid for the month of December is Louis! He was shy and quiet when he first came to school, but in a short time, he fit right into our lessons. He gets along with his classmates and they love playing with him. He loves to read storybooks and participate in class activities!

Candy: He always speaks lot of English in class. He pays attention during class and he follows the teacher’s instructions. He always remembers to raise his hand to ask and answer questions. He also likes to be the line leader. He often shares and takes turns with others. Everyone likes to play with him. He tries to do things by himself now, such as taking off (putting on) clothes, shoes, and socks. He is currently learning and trying to fold his sleeping bag neatly. For these reasons and more, this month’s Super Kid is Louis!

Panda Class [Adam]

Runa: Adam is our Super Kid this month. He is always enthusiastic to participate in class activities. He also acts as a leader for all of the kids. He has a good understanding of Phonics which helps him read. Good job, Adam!

Tom: Our Super Kid is Adam. He is really good at Math, as he can do harder addition and subtraction equations given to him. In a nutshell, he’s an amazing kid who can achieve amazing feats, and that’s why he is our Super Kid for December. Good job, Adam!

Chipmunk Class [George]

Tiffany: George is a great student, as he always follows the rules and sets a positive example for others to follow. George is very good at Math and loves Science! Keep up the great work, George!!

Braden: George is our Super Kid this month. He can follow every step of the lesson. Besides being smart, he is also a very playful and sweet boy. He always makes sure he does his job exceptionally well. He pays attention in class and enjoys all activities. Well done, George! Keep it up!

Puma Class [Gemma]

Joyce: Our Super Kid this month is Gemma. Gemma loves to help with everything in the classroom and she does it with a smile on her face. Gemma was one of the first students to start writing and she’s great at Phonics. Congratulations, Gemma!

Cesar: Gemma is our Super Kid for December. Her Math and Phonics are amazing. She pays attention and likes to join in all class activities. She likes to help her classmates and teachers, too. When someone needs help, she would be the first one to give a lending hand. She is a good helper. We are proud of having Gemma in Puma Class.

Dinosaur Class [Rex]

Chelsea: Our Super Kid for December is Rex. Rex is very creative. He is always making cool robots when he plays with toys. Rex always participates and loves answering questions. Rex also draws very well and always colors his pictures nicely. He is also one of the fastest students to figure out new IQ games. Keep up all the great work, Rex!   

Jeremy: Rex speaks a lot of English in class. He has improved a lot the past few months. He raises his hand to answer questions and waits patiently when teachers are busy. He is good at drawing and coloring, as evident of the nice pictures he shows us. He is one generous boy who likes to share his toys with his classmates. Good job, Rex!