9月份 super kids

Hippo Class [Jessie]

Lauren: Jessie has only been back to school for a month, but she is always following the rules and paying good attention in class. She could participate in range of conversation with diverse partners, and express her own ideas clearly. We are proud to give this award to Jessie, our Super Kid of the month.

Candy: Jessie is our Super Kid this month. In July, she cried a few days in the morning, but she was happy during class. Although she took a vacation in August, she still came back to school happily after the vacation. She pays attention well during class. She participates in every activity. She listens to the teacher’s directions and follows the rules well. She is also very polite. She says “Hi!” to every teacher she meets in the hallway. She is nice to her classmates, too. Congratulations to Jessie for being our Super Kid!

Panda Class [Leo]

Runa: Leo is our Super Kid. He has been super with reading and writing for a long time. Everyone in the class sees him as a role model and he is almost always well-behaved. Good job, Leo!

Tom: Leo always pays attention in class. He has an amazing memory and a good attitude when it comes to learning. His Phonics skills are excellent, as he can read a short story that the teacher wrote on the whiteboard. That is why Leo is the Super Kid in Panda Class.

Chipmunk Class [Elly]

Tiffany: Elly always treats others nicely and tries hard in class. She is very creative and draws funny pictures that tell silly stories. She sets a positive example for her classmates to follow and always does a great job!

Braden: Elly has been chosen for this month’s Super Kid award. She can read books very well. She does everything very well and is perfect in her lessons. She learns everything very fast. She is a smart and sweet girl. She is also a good helper as she always helps the teachers and her friends. Well done, Elly!

Puma Class [Cooper]

Joyce: Our Super Kid this month is a student who has become the best in many areas such as reading, writing, science, and math. He is usually the first one to come to school and it’s been months since I have heard him speak Chinese in class. He pays attention well and he is always willing to help his classmates out. We are very lucky to have Cooper in our class!

Cesar: Our Super Kid of this month is Cooper. He has made progress with his Phonics. He can read easy storybooks by himself. He is good in writing numbers and the alphabet letters, too. He is attentive in class and always answers the teacher’s question. We are all proud to have Cooper in Puma Class.

Dinosaur Class [Steve]

Chelsea: Our Super Kid this month is Steve. Steve is a great student who really likes school. He pays attention well and is one of the first to volunteer to help. His coloring has really improved and he is very creative when playing. He is also one of our best story tellers. Keep up the good work, Steve!   

Jeremy: Steve is a kind and friendly boy. He always shares toys with his classmates. He is also very polite. He always says “Thank you.” when someone helps him.