8月份 super kids

Otter Class [Ian]

Lauren: The Super Kid this month in Otter class is Ian! He remembers so many terms we learn in class and is a very good reader. He is a friend to everyone in the class room and Otter class wouldn’t be the same without him.

Sean: Ian is our Super Kid. If Ian does something wrong, he tries to correct and listens to the teachers. He knows what he should do during class. Ian is also kind to his classmates. He likes to help if someone needs help. Ian tries hard to do every new subject. He participates in class. When he answers teacher’s questions, he is very loud and very confident. I hope he keeps it up.

Panda Class [Charles]

Stacey: Charles has had an excellent month. He has been a leader for newer students, helping them understand the school rules. He always pays attention and works hard to learn. He is also great at singing the weekly song. This is why Charles is our Super Kid.

Tom: Our Super Kid this month is Charles. Charles follows teachers’ directions well. He also reminds his classmates what they should do. During class, he listens to teachers’ directions well. When we play games, he also follows the rules carefully. Charles is very polite to everyone. When we go to the bathroom, he says hello to all the teachers. Every Thursday, he brings his toys to school and he likes to share with his classmates. He also tells them how to play with the toys. Charles is very nice and gentle to everyone. We all like him very much. Congratulations Charles.

Chipmunk Class [Wesley]

Tiffany: For the month of August, I have chosen Wesley in Chipmunk class for a few reasons.

First, he has continued to follow along in class and put forth a very strong effort toward concentrating during class time. He repeats after teacher and usually raises his hand to answer questions. In addition, he has really improved in this area of paying attention during class time. Second, Wesley has also improved upon being able to seat properly while in the class. I feel he needs praise for these kinds of examples of model behavior that he has slowly developed in a positive, upward way. I can see his slow, persistence in working hard to overcome these learning difficulties in his educational life.

Jason: This month our Super Kid is Wesley! He follows the rules and respects teachers during class time. He can sing the weekly well. He also swims very well. Good job and keep it up Wesley!

Puma Class [Louis]

Joyce: Our Super Kid this month is a student who knows our classroom rules very well. He has a big personality and a big enthusiasm for learning. Our Super Kid is very competitive and is very good at sharing. We are very happy to have Louis in our class and I look forward to seeing his progress in the near future.

Cesar: I would like to nominate Louis as our Super Kid in Puma this month. Louis is a lovely, smart boy who always goes to school with his happy face. He always answers teachers’ questions and remembers teachers’ guidance. He is nice to everyone. We are all proud to have Louis in Puma class. I think he deserves it. Congratulations!

Puppy Class [Sean]

Sally: Puppy class Super Kid this month is Matthew. We are always so impressed by how much he remembers and this month is no different. From Math, to reading, to story telling, he is a pro at all of it. We hope he keeps working hard, and we’re so happy with all the growth he’s made.   

Zach: Matthew! You’re the Super Kid in Puppy class this month! We are extremely proud of your math skills, and how fast you learn every new thing. You are Puppy class’s sun shine. You always make us laugh! So happy to have you in our class! Love you buddy!

Chinchilla Class [Sharlene]

Helen: Teacher Helen and I have chosen Sharlene to be our Super Kid for this month. Sharlene always has a good attitude in class, always listens to teachers, like to help, and always participates in class.   

Julia: Sharlene is our Super Kid in Chinchilla this month. The reasons that I would nominate her are as follow. She always has a good learning attitude and eager to learn. She is helpful and obedient in class. Since she is always well-behaved, she can be the best example in Chinchilla. I am so proud of you Sharlene. Congratulations. Keep going!