2月份 super kids

Polar Bear class [Jon]

Teacher: Michael, Tiffany 

Our Super Kid in Polar Bear Class for the month of February is Jon! Jon is a very smart and clever boy. He has a remarkable memory for new vocabulary and he excels in Math. Although he is a bit slow and often can be seen daydreaming, he has shown that he understands all of the material we are learning. He is also a regular participant in class, and frequently answers questions.

Congratulations and keep up the good work, Jon!

Phoenix class [Paul]

Teacher: Scott, Dolly

Phoenix Class proudly presents the February Super Kid award to Paul. During the last few months, Paul has shown tremendous improvements in his course work and classroom behavior. Lately, Paul has been a lot more attentive in class, and as a result, he has been doing so much better in phonics and English class. However, the greatest improvement Paul has made so far has been his handwriting. In the past, his handwriting was messy and hard to read, and now it is beautiful and clearly written. We are all very proud of Paul; great job and keep up the good work!

Leopard Class [Tammy]

Teacher: Donovan, Karcida

The Leopard Class Super Kid for the month of February is a very special little girl who usually flies under the radar. She is a quiet and timid girl, but her English ability is among the top in Leopard Class. Her phonics is really good, her handwriting is excellent, and her attitude is great! Plus, she works fast enough that she is able to decorate her books and make everything super pretty! Congratulations, Tammy! Keep up the good work!

Wallaby Class [Junior]

Teacher: Jason, Joanna

Our Wallaby Class Super Kid for the month of February is a kid with a knack for instructions and putting things together. He loves the challenge of puzzles and problem solving. He can also tell you about many car and motorcycle brands, and which ones he wants. This Wallaby has really shown a lot of improvement within the last couple months and is quickly rising to the top of the class. For these reasons and many more, I would like to congratulate our class motor head and Super Kid, Junior!

Unicorn Class [Qilin]

Teacher: Jeannie, Anita

Our Super Kid for the month of February is another ball of fire in class. He is a born leader as he can make everyone follow his lead. His enthusiasm for learning has helped him improve in so many ways. His speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills have improved by leaps and bounds. In fact, we can honestly say he has one of the best pronunciations in class. He may talk a lot but he can finish all his work in no time at all. This list can go on and on but one thing is definite; with his passion and intelligence, this super boy will do more than just great when he graduates and goes to elementary school.

Congratulations to the boy with the most unique name in school…Qilin! Keep up the good work and make us proud by achieving more greatness!

Lemur Class [Henry]

Teacher: Marco, Dana

This month’s Super Kid is a Lemur who has matured so much since starting at Ckids. Although he has always been very good with his English and grammar, he struggled a lot in the past with other areas. Most impressive has been his physical transformation. He is faster and stronger and able to play our games, like dodge ball, so much better. His writing and drawing have also improved so much; before he had trouble holding a pencil or drawing a straight line, but now his letters are getting neater and neater everyday and he can draw some impressive pictures in our portfolio book. He has gotten so good at his addition and subtraction and he can read his words so quickly. For maturing so much, I am happy to pick Henry as Lemur’s Super Kid for February.